First time I've e'er heard th' phroggin' COOKIE MONSTER on tape... this must be Sesame Street "after th' phall"! This collection of home-produced DIY madnesses from th' suburbs o' Philly isn't stuff to get in a "sweat" about, & they'll be th' first to tell you. Heavy bass romping overlaid with some "wierd" vox & rock-oriented git-arz! Definitely NOT what ya'd hear on th' local ayem station! Sure, itz' a bit "kludgy" in places, but th' recording (in general) is of enuff quality to make it listenable. Some parody, absolutely NOTHIN' "serious" on here. Fun & most demented rockin' strangness fer' ya' to sink yer' EARZ in to! Th' "white rap" parts dinna' quite come off (for me), but in th' overall, this is quite a DIY experience! Definitely worth th' stamp... AND, it's a FULL hour demo tape, so you'll get a real "FEEL" for where they're at. Slightly recommended.
Blood, Sweat, and Pap Smears
The strongest point with regards to Metal Sniff is their lyrics. They are sick, perverted, and it all works out: they're hilarious. One would assume that lyrics would be included, since that is one of their highlights, but they are not, and so I had to figure them out myself. I suspect the music would be more appealing if you were high on some intoxicant, but that is only a hypothesis. In the bio for Metal Sniff, it says that they are "not a serious band." I had to keep repeating this in my head when I went through my obligatory half-a-dozen listens (I listen to every demo at least half-a-dozen times, usually more, before I write a review). But I don't wish to put Metal Sniff down. Believe it or not, I actually see a lot of good things about their music. Perhaps the six listens did something to me; or perhaps there're subliminal messages hidden in the lyric, but the songs grew on me---I can actually hum some of them now! Metal Sniff are a great example of dadaism (look it up). The music is somewhat reminscent of thrash metal (mostly due to the distorted thrashy sound), minus any degree of sobriety. Many of the tunes are catchy, which you'll hear only if you can ignore the abrasiveness on the top. Still, I applaud their approach and it is highly evident that this is a band that's having fun making self-indulgent music, and that is their only goal. But you know what's scary? With a bit of polishing (less distortion on the guitars, somewhat better production), these guys, with the right sort of marketing, could be selling millions of copies of this stuff.
Blood, Sweat, and Pap Smears 1995
Hellz yeah! Metal Sniff is ultimately joke metal at it's finest. While crossing a traditional "joke music" attitude with more extreme metal genres such as death metal and hardcore, it is obvious that they have absolutely no idea how to play their instruments at all! Their drummer (when they're not using drum programming, that is) has no concept of timing, the vocalist has no idea of key, and the guitars are basically scrapped power chords. So why are they so good? Metal Sniff are very proud of the fact that they have no musical talent, and the brilliance lies within lyrical content and musical skits, such as the Jewish punk song "I Felt a Gefilte". You are also graced with a downright terrible parody of The Misfits' "Twist Of Caine" and the death metal satires "Psycho Cookie Monster" and "The Slurpy Song". The latter has a wonderful dialogue between a death metal vocalist and an Indian 7-11 manager: hilarious! Last, but not least, the listener is also graced with a bonus of Metal Sniff's WLHU performance of "Hot and Spicy Chili", which is a sludgecore song based on a random cook book recipe.